
Showing posts from March, 2020

Essential Accessories to Barn Life

Sunday provided, what has become of late, a rare elongated period of dry weather.  Much of the day was spent clearing the steep embankment by the brook.  Despite the bite of the wind, jackets were discarded as the sun shone and the smoke from the incinerator permeated our clothes and hair.  New shoots from the weeds are just beginning to peek through but so too are the shoots of plants yet to be revealed.  Spring is an exciting time for any gardener but more so when you are about to discover what’s hidden beneath the bank of weeds.  This and small glimpses of life from the bare trees and plants are a welcome enticement to say goodbye to what has otherwise been a long and difficult winter. We have been assured by our new friends that this season has been exceptionally wet and windy.  By the time storm Dennis hit we thought we may have peaked.  It felt rather apt that the storm was called Dennis.  We once had a friend called Dennis, sadly he is no longer with us.  He, like the stor